The Blurb

Both ski socks and flip flops are pretty everyday objects (if you are the kind of exciting person who, like me, likes to go to snowy mountains and tropical beaches, not if you are a boring recluse). Most of what I write about will, I suspect, seem slightly crazy to your average 'vanilla'. But, to me, kink is so integrated into my life that I sometimes don't notice that it is a bit odd.

Ski socks and flip flops are also both totally contradictory to each other. This, in part, reflects the fact that I go by the online psuedonym 'Walking Oxymoron'. But it also explains me very well. I do not look like someone who you might imagine to be a sexual deviant. When out and about, I don't act any differently from anyone else. In fact, I like to think that I appear fairly innocent and demure.

This blog is about the other side of me - my dark side. Specifically, the emotional side of it. Behind the whips and canes and other fun things is a variety of very normal 'vanilla' feelings. They just choose to display themselves in some unconventional places...

Monday, 8 November 2010

My First Suspension

*Originally written 13th July 2010*

I was suspended for the first time at the weekend. I absolutely loved it. But my reaction was not what I expected. Usually when I am tied, I become very aware of my surroundings, all of my senses become more sensitive and I can hear every little noise, and then I start to space. For me, that means that everything starts spinning slightly and I am in my own little world, completely blissed out. I get a similar reaction to pain, and really to most other things.

Suspension was different. From the age of about 5, I imagined that I was tied up when I couldn't sleep because it relaxed me so much. Being suspended gave me the same relaxed feeling, and quite literally sent me to sleep. I can understand something sending me to sleep if I was spacey and really really relaxed, but this didn't make me space much at all. I just fell asleep. It was a very similar feeling to crawling under a clean warm duvet on a winter's night. It was wonderful. Obviously for me, suspension is not a kinky activity but a 'curl up with a hot cup of cocoa' one!

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